08|16 - 11|16
Master Thesis: Knowledge as a service: Crowdsourcing as a method to synthesize expert car knowledge from online big data
User experience studies using the example of the Knowledge Accelerator project of Bosch Research and Technology Center Pittsburgh | USA
02|16 - 08|16
User Experience Design Intern at Bosch Research and Technology Center - Pittsburgh | USA
11|15 - 02|16
Student employee at W.O.M; department Global Marketing. - Berlin
09|14 - 02|17
Master of Science Product Design and Process Development - Technology Arts Sciences University Cologne
03|14 - 07|14
Bachelor Thesis: AMICO - assistant mobile intelligent companion
Design concept of a robotic system to support everyday life on the basis of the Myorobiticssystem in cooperation with the Fraunhofer institute IPA Stuttgart.
02|13 - 07|13
Semester abroad at the free University Bolzano - Italy
09|12 - 02|13
Product Design Intern at Kärcher - Winnenden
09|10 - 09|14
Bachelor of Arts Integrated Product Design - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Coburg
05|10 - 07|10
Engineering Intern at Siemens - Erlangen
09|00 - 07|09
University-entrance diploma - Christian-Ernst-Gymnasium Erlangen